Roughly 6 months to go until bean makes his/her debue. Actually Sarah has taken to calling it blueberry instead of bean. But this week marks the first week of the second trimester. Sarah swears she can feel it kick already, and according to some web-sites that is possible. To keep track of the progress, on my nifty little iphone (all the cool Tokola's have one) I have a program that keeps track of the gestational age, countdown, what trimester we're in, and it also gives about what it's weights and size are along with a fruit/veggie equivalent. Right now we're a lemon.
Sarah has been prepping Max, telling him he is going to be a big brother soon, the Kanicks also bought him a doll so he can get use to the idea of taking care of a little sibling. Max has been quite proficient at pointing out other babies. If he sees one he point and say "baby" in his own little max way. But I'm not so sure he has quite made the connection to his soon to be little brother/sister. Max is taking Sarah pregnancy in stride, at this point the blueberry belly offers excellent lower lumbar support for max's story time.