Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September Around Here

Max's First Day of School
Yes he does love school but it has taken him the entire month to let me leave without him holding on to my leg and whimpering when I drop him off. (It is early in the morning and I am usually holding Gwen so my sympathy level is low). Today he hardly gave a backward glance as I left. I am so proud.

Gwen had her 4 month doctor appt today and she is perfect. 75% in height, weight and head circumference, extremely proportional. She is doing great pushing herself up but is not to interested in rolling over. Not a major problem but the doctor did recommend we give her more tummy time. Mostly when on her stomach she gets excited about how still her hands are and immediatly sucks on both of them!

Max loves the Mariner's games. I have not really broken it to him that the season is ending, some how I don't think football will have the same attraction. Anyway her he is on the couch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He loves playing and snuggling with their dogs Maggi and Kiota.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

T-Ball (A little late but worth the wait)

So this was all last month but hey the pictures are cute!

Max loves baseball. He watches the games and yells "Go Mariners" no matter who is batting.
He really like when they throw, catch and hit the ball. He watches so carefully that he now has the entire set up and throw of a major league pitcher down to a tee. (Get it t-ball)

Anyway here is Max pitching.

Max setting up for the swing

And yes he can even hit the ball!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Beach 2009

Here are some pictures form the big OC (Otter Crest) this year.

The whole OC crew
Gwen chilling in the room, in her new knit kimono

Auntie Sasha and Max and Sasha exploring the rocks and ocean

Max at the playground