Thursday, May 22, 2008

Up to speed

For those who have not heard yet, our little guy Max had a little stumble over at a friends house. Resulting in a fracture of his fibia and possible tibia.

I had a hard time seeing where the actual fracture was on the x-ray. It is at the bottom of his shine bones but not on the growth plate. The doctor said this should not impede his development at all, whew!

As is the case with most medical occurrences, more time was spent in the waiting room than the actual medical procedure. Though Max sure didn't mind, you would have hardly known he had any sort of fracture the way he was cruising around the lobby. Max was quite fascinated with the stain glass art work. But all good things must come to an end, for after an hour and a half in the lobby or in other terms nearly a full viewing of "The Incredibles" we were finally called to see the doctor.
Oh boy! was Max not a happy camper from here on out. From previous check ups Max has developed a healthy dislike of anyone resembling a medical practitioner and has the lungs to let you know it. Luckily the nurses who put the cast on were very efficient and quick. In just a few minutes Max was sporting the latest in green fiberglass fashion and we were on our way home. Max hardly seems bothered by his new found accessory, he zooms just like he did before, except now he has a battering ram attached to his foot.

1 comment:

The Amazing Abdul said...

Hope the little guy is doing okay. I know what it's like to have a broken bone or two.