Anyway we had a great time this Saturday.
They have a farmer's market set up with baskets, vegetables, fruits, a cash register and ground you can "plant" them in. Gwen loves to collect things so she put everything in her basket!
They also have a mini lighting board (you can see why I like this place). There are three theater lights, each with a basic color gel (red, yellow and blue). There are three sliders on the board Gwen is sitting at; you can mix the colors any way you want!
And where is Max you may ask...
He would be anywhere there is balls. Brand new is the ball pit with tubes to put the balls in.
The staff at the Museum is great they are ever present tidying and setting up. I do not know for sure who made it but this was cool. Max could put the ball in one tunnel and it would roller coaster around and come out ten feet away. He and a few other boys (no I am not being sexist that was who was there) played for a while each taking turns rolling.
Gwen enjoys the office phone. Although I think she thinks it is a cell phone, she does not stay near the wall but wandered all over with it.
This is Max's favorite exhibit hands down. There is a magnetic wall and PVC pipes with magnets that one can organize to make mazes for balls to go down. One of the coolest parts is on the far left there is a vacuum tube which one puts the balls in and it sucks them up to the top.
The first day Max saw this he would not do anything else.
- From my iDea
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