Monday, January 3, 2011

Why Did No One Tell Me!

So you may have noticed that I have been posting a lot more often in the last few days. It is no secret received an iPad for Christmas, which I love, but that is not actually why there are more posts.
While looking up new apps for my iPad I found an app at allows me to both blog and upload pictures from my iPhone.
Big deal you may say.
I am not the greatest writer, mostly as in I do not like re-reading and proofing my work. The difference with this new app is I can put pictures from my iPhone directly on the blog (rather then taking pictures and then having to plug in to the computer, load them in, find them and then find time to sit at my computer and write)
Simply put I can post more pictures easily and don't have to write as much because I have beautiful babies to entertain you!

So here is my favorite picture from this fall of my little ones!
It is at the play area at the Point Defiance Zoo

Actually I am sure this app has been around for a while...why did no one tell me about it!

~ This post Brought to you by iDea (my iPad)

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