Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Toddler Playtime

Max and I have discovered Toddler Playtime at the Fircrest Rec Center! Every Mon and Wed, in the morning, the basketball court of the Rec Center (2 blocks from our house) puts out balls, hockey sticks, jump ropes and kid's bowling equipment. The kids all run like crazy and it is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Max has made a few fiends, namely two sisters (2 and 4 years old) who like to run with him holding the last jump rope of their train.

Sonja came with us the first time and she taught Max to use a hockey stick which he now adores.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Tiniest Window Washer

Sonja is doing lots of odd jobs around my parents house lately and there is nothing Max likes better then to help. He steam cleans carpets (mostly by watching as it is rather hot), he puts towels away (if you don't mind them going one at a time) and most recently he was washing the windows.

He had a scrub brush and towel and was going to clean anything that would hold still; the window, the ground, the side of the house and Bagheera the cat (who did not hold still and therefore did not get scrubbed).

As one might imagine he was completely soaked by the middle and drenched by the end.

In other news Blueberry is now the size of a giant head of lettuce according to Jeff's iphone baby tracker 3.7lbs and 15.5 inches. The 30 weeks appointment was perfect and I am proud that I am having such a boring pregnancy they are letting me go 3 weeks till the next appointment instead of making me come back in two weeks.

Here are some of the baby name ideas as we are still slacking (I am hoping for an inspirational push at some point, mabye it come with the nesting urges?)

Sarah likes: Gwendolyn, Gweneth (Gwen), Madeline, Elenora, Arianna, Elysia, Edward, Emmerson, Malcomb (Mal), Lawrence, Sullivan

Jeff likes: William, Kayla

Don't even ask about middle names we are not nearly there.