Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day of Halloween

I know it seems a little late for this but I wanted to put up pictures of the Kings and Queens at the Ficrest Trivia Night.

The White Set

The Black Set

Princess Buttercup and Wesley
(Sorry did not have a better picture but you get the idea.
They were freakin' cute.)

The team who was tied for first and the end of the fifth round.
(There are 6 rounds)

The team who came in second thanks to a lot of questions about Ghost Busters
(which I knew nothing about)

I will have pictures of Gwen the ladybug as soon as I can figure out how to get the ones off my phone on to the computer.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Of Kings and Queens

It all started when my Mom heard there was a costumes competition at Fircrest Golf Club Trivia Night on Halloween. She came up with chess pieces; white king, black king, white queen and black queen. My Mom and I almost had to give up knitting altogether to get them done in time! But here they are.

Wish the grass was a giant chess board, wouldn't that be cool.

My mom crochet and knit the masks. Many people at the club did not recognize us at all -- were quite surprised when they found out who we were.

Props to my dad who did all the wood working with the staffs. Also for great moral support and baby wrangling while we were engrossed in the costumes!

Next post: The Big Day - Halloween (Pictures of Gwen will be shown!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The day Max wore his wolf suit........

Since there are a good three blog posts out of Halloween (and I am a blogging slacker and need some strong material) I am going to spread the festivities over a few posts.

The first Halloween outing for Max was the Halloween party at school on Friday. I have been waiting for the perfect moment to make a wolf suit for Max, my family has been talking about it since he was born. Max knows the book "Where the Wild Things Are" very well as his Uncle Jordan has a reading of it on Max's ipod. We bought the book in September and I have read it to Max (by popular demand) everyday since then.

This is Max's favorite picture from the book. He points to it and says "Yzma make Max wolf suit!"
My Mom has lots of technical sewing experience so the two of us make a great team. I do more of the costume designer things ie. "Should we make the suit have four fingers or five" and "The crown changes height, some times you can see his ears and sometimes not". My mother lives a little more in the practical world ie. "Pipe cleaners are going to be to sharp we should starch yarn for the whiskers instead!"
At 1:30 am the crown was done and the wolf suit was ready for its first outing!

Almost every child had a parent there and it was nuts! It was all well organized but herding cats can only get so good and herding preschoolers is harder. Max was a little over whelmed by the insanity so I am really glad I was there with him. I love seeing all the other little ones in costume too.
First each class went around to all the other classes in a costume parade. Here is Max's classroom and classmates. (I particularly like the fairy and the witch)

They had pony rides which thrilled Max. I hear Auntie Sasha is jealous and would like to go to Max's school.

Of course the traditional drawing on a pumpkin with markers. (White suits and paint markers makes the costumer very nervous)

Overall a good time had by all. I recived many compliments on the wolf suit. Someone even asked if I do costumes professionally and that I should make costumes to sell for Halloween. I pointed out that for materials and time I would have to charge $200 at least. She did not seem to think there would be much of a market and I agree.
Max will have to be in a class by himself with a costume designer mother and Yzma who has the skills to realize the renderings!