Friday, May 22, 2009

Pictures from the Hospital

Sonja and Jeff all scrubbed up (they were so excited about this part)

Gwen (slightly slimy yet already cute!)

Gwen and Daddy

Gwen and Auntie Sonja

This picture is from later on her first day out in the world, makes me laugh. I would love to know what she was thinking.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Blueberry Transformed!

It finally happened! (Actually she was early so I am not complaining)

Sarah, Jeff and Sonja drove to the hospital at 3am Mother's Day morning. Shortly after we got there the Midwife discovered Blueberry was breech and a cesarean was the only option.

After a short (about 30 min) and extremely successful surgery....

Gwenneth Marie Bridges

was born at 5:25 am weighing 9 lbs and 3 oz and 20 inches long.

Here are a few more pictures!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eleven Days to Go....Give or Take

Eleven days seems like an eternity till I stop to think the baby could be late!

Nothing much to do but wait. Just wanted to let everyone know nothing has happened yet.
Here is a cute picture of Max to tide you over.