Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christams

Good times all around! Max and Gwen got adorable chairs from Grandmother Kanick (kids pottery barn). Max's is brown and Gwen's is pink with small flowers. Next to Max is Gwen's new doll, Chloe, in her matching chair.

Max and Gwen got an adorable kitchen from Santa. They both like to cook and wash the dishes!

Gwen got some cute clothes from her Anuties, pictured here is a velvet leopard print jacket with ears and zebra striped legging. (love it!)

And it snowed (not on Chistmas but shortly after)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Trains, Trains, Trains: Max Loves Trains

There are few things Max remembers from last year. He vaguely remembers Christmas and Birthday presents, he almost remembers seeing Uncle Geoff's magic show and he does remember cousins and the beach.

There is one thing he talks about often and remembers (I am sure he believes) with perfect clarity: the Santa Train.
He has been talking about it for months, at the first mention of Christmas. He asks when we are going and if the train is leaving soon.

Max loves trains

(Actually, on an ironic note Max is scared to death of trains. Even when this one whistled he almost started to cry. He has always been sensitive to loud noises; chainsaws, motorcycles an revving cars.)

On Sunday we went on the Santa train. He loved it. He glowed the whole time.


Incase only one is interested this is the Santa Train out of Chahalis (the Elbe one we did last year was all booked up)
Actually this one was wonderful for many reasons:
It was all I-5 driving instead of wiggly mountain roads
You stay on the one train in your space the whole time
The trip was 30 min (perfect for a 4 year old)
We all sang Christmas carols!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Pretty Family

Here are many pictures of us at Salishan! Mostly the parties and Thanksgiving dinner so we look pretty nice.

Max ordered himself a Shirley temple (with the help of Yzma and Aunite)

Anutie Sasha and Uncly Geoff lookin' good

Yes that is an adorable flowered headband in Gwen's hair!

Facebook profile here we come!

Thanksgiving good times all around

I really wanted to get a Christmas card picture out of this session but the only way to get them both to hold still was with food.

We had a great time with everyone their and missed those of you who could not come!