Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Return of Bean...

Max's reign as lone child ruler of the house will soon be coming to a close. In roughly seven and a half months Max will have a new brother or sister to play with. Due date being something in the neighborhood of May 9th. Now I know some of you may feel intimidated, like Reid or Jenny another May b-day hogging some of your glory. Well... its true, and to top it off the new born will be way cuter then you too.
But it won't be all fun and games for Sarah and me this means I'll have to be dusting off some of the baby equipment we just put away in the attic, and Sarah will have to stick to virgin gin and tonics for a while. And I'm not evening going to try and think about packing our Ion for Otter Crest with 2 little ones.

PS: JJ if you are still needing any "how to" tips give me a call, I'm batting 2 for 2 over here. Would be more then happy to give you some pointers.


jana said...

Congrats...we're still working on it. It's slow going, but a lot fun :)

Staci said...

Congrats!! The Tokola Child Progression Chart has this one being a girl (waves at Emmy).

Northwest Guru said...

lol, congrats you two! Work that uterus! :-p

New York Guru said...

I'm soooooo incredibly late on this, but congrats guys!

- Emi